focusing winner
9/23/2008 Photographer Majed sultan Ali of kuwait, kuwait, has won First Place for August in the prestigious photography contest sponsored by, the site’s founder, Jim Miotke, announced Tuesday.
More than 22000 entries were submitted to the online photography contest, which attracted contestants from around the world and featured 10 separate categories.
Ali’s stunning image, “focus”, garnered top honors after being submitted in the Animals category.
All of the winning images can be viewed at’s contest page:
The contest is conducted each month. Categories include Nature and Landscapes, Animals, People, Elements of Design, Digital Darkroom, Travel and Place, Flowers, Details and Macro, Catch-All, and Monthly Theme. Judging is performed by a panel of professional photographers.
Besides its free, popular photo contest, also offers a variety of services: digital camera reviews, online photo courses, free newsletters, a discussion forum, Web sites for photographers, question-and-answer section, how-to articles, photo galleries, and more.
Photographers can enter this month’s contest and learn more about photography at:
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